El derecho humano: Conocer a Jesucristo y hacerlo conocer

El derecho humano: Conocer a Jesucristo y hacerlo conocer

Negarle a una persona el derecho a saber algo que es cierto es inmoral y posiblemente la mayor tragedia de todas. Esto significa que, puesto que Dios, Jesús y la Escritura son verdaderos entonces retener esa información es simplemente erróneo. Rice Broocks trae un...
The Human Right: To Know Jesus Christ and to Make Him Known

The Human Right: To Know Jesus Christ and to Make Him Known

Many Christians believe we need to choose between fighting injustice and communicating the good news of Jesus Christ. But what if failing to speak the truth is ultimately the greatest injustice of all? If we truly believe the human heart is the source of injustice and...
Better Together: Crossing the Divide in South Africa

Better Together: Crossing the Divide in South Africa

For centuries the story of South Africa could not be told without reference to race, along with its two cousins of tribe and class. The colonial history of our nation, followed in 1948 by Apartheid as a system of ordering society, ensured that racism is a foundational...
Hombre. Mito. Mesías

Hombre. Mito. Mesías

¿Existió realmente Jesús? La búsqueda del Jesús histórico sigue siendo noticia de primera plana. Cualquier teoría especulativa parece llamar inmediatamente la atención, mientras continúa el debate sobre su verdadera identidad y las afirmaciones hechas en su nombre....
Man, Myth, Messiah: Answering History’s Greatest Question

Man, Myth, Messiah: Answering History’s Greatest Question

Did Jesus Really Exist? The search for the historical Jesus continues to be headline news. Any speculative theory seems to get instant attention as the debate rages about His real identity and the claims made in His name. Did Jesus really exist? Is there real...