Our Story

In March of 1994, three friends reunited in Manila, Philippines. They had maintained their friendship while leading successful ministry work around the world. Steve Murrell, who was living in Manila, had founded and was pastoring Victory Church. Rice Broocks and Phil Bonasso were on their way to Singapore and Malaysia to help with two new church-planting opportunities, and they called Steve to stay with him during their layover in Manila. That stay became known as the “Miracle in Manila,” as their reunion turned into a recognition that God was calling them to do something great together.
It’s the compassion for the lost of the world that pulled us together and that pushes us forward to the vision, to the mission God’s called us to: go and make disciples of all nations. It’s our calling. It’s our mission. It’s our strategy. It’s our future.
I look back on the first five, six, seven years of our ministries together—our movement together—of Every Nation, and it was really the forming years, the foundational years, where everything we did from a ministry standpoint flowed out of reaching the campus and changing the world.
We needed to see the nations reached,
we needed to do it by reaching students, and that somehow maybe all that would come together. But none of us really understood how that would look.
Every Nation started as a handful of churches across 3 nations.

Together, we have grown to 701 churches across 81 nations.

Stories from around Every Nation
Our mission has a global scale, but our real impact is measured in the lives of those who hear the gospel, become disciples of Christ, and go on to share their testimonies with others.
Compassion and Discipleship in Cambridge, Massachusetts
“As we move forward to care for our communities, Christ will give us the grace to not only do it well but to love doing it.“ Watch how Aletheia Church Cambridge in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, is displaying Christ’s love to their community and beyond.
Reaching the Community in Trinity, Florida
“I think that we can create ways for the gospel to be obtainable for everyone.” Watch how our Every Nation church in Trinity, Florida, is reaching the special needs community in their city and making disciples.
How a Church in Cambodia Is Raising Up Leaders
“We believe that the only hope for the people of Cambodia is the gospel of Jesus Christ.” Watch how our Every Nation church in Phnom Penh is reaching locals with the gospel and empowering them to reach their nation.