We exist to honor God by establishing Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered, socially responsible churches and campus ministries in every nation.

2023 Year in review

Every Nation
Every Campus

Every Nation is a global family of churches dedicated to establishing church-planting churches, reaching the next generation on the campus, and preaching the gospel to every nation.


Every Nation has churches or church plants in 83 of these nations.

80 nations with an Every nation church and 115 nations without an Every Nation church

There are still 112 nations without an Every Nation church or church plant.

Evangelists on an Every Nation short term mission trip in Ibague, Colombia
Short-term missionary connecting with locals on Ten Days short-term mission trip in Sydney, Australia

We plant churches that reach the campus.

Most people decide on their faith by 35.

These young men and women, who will be the future leaders of the world, are on the college campus today.

We plant churches that reach the campus because we firmly believe that if we change the campus, we will eventually change the family, the nation, and the world.


University Campuses

foundational values

The Apostle Paul exhorted Timothy to “guard the good deposit … with the help of the Holy Spirit” (2 Timothy 1:14). Like Timothy, every ministry has a good deposit that must be guarded. In Every Nation, our foundational values articulate for us the good deposit we as a ministry must guard together, lest they be lost. Whether we’re building a discipleship group, a music group, or planting a new church, these core values are the essential issues and help describe how we build.

Core Values Lordship icon with a crown


Because Jesus is “King of kings and Lord of lords,” we believe that whole-hearted submission to God’s will and his Word is the starting point of the Christian faith and the foundation of all spiritual growth.


Core Values Evangelism icon with three arrows facing outward


Because God’s heart is to reach the lost, we’re passionate about preaching the gospel and doing ministry in a way that engages people outside of the Christian faith. We seek to build churches primarily through evangelism, not transfer growth.

JOHN 3:16, LUKE 19:10

Core Values Discipleship icon with three triangles lined up vertically


Because we’re called to make disciples, our primary focus is establishing biblical foundations, equipping believers to minister, and empowering disciples to make disciples—not conducting meetings, facilitating programs, or building buildings.

MATTHEW 28:19,20

Core Values Leadership icon with three triangles lined up horizontally


Because we’re called to establish churches and campus ministries in every nation, we’re committed to a culture of empowering leadership. We’re intentionally multi-generational, and we deliberately create opportunities and platforms to develop the next generation of leaders.


Core Values Family icon with three arrows facing inward


Because the family is the foundation and validation of ministry, we refuse to sacrifice our marriages and our children on the altars of temporal success. And because we believe God has called us to be a spiritual family, we embrace community, reject the idea of disposable relationships, and choose to walk in love, respect, and unity.

PSALM 127:1,3

Stories from around Every Nation

Compassion and Discipleship in Cambridge, Massachusetts

Compassion and Discipleship in Cambridge, Massachusetts

“As we move forward to care for our communities, Christ will give us the grace to not only do it well but to love doing it.“ Watch how Aletheia Church Cambridge in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, is displaying Christ’s love to their community and beyond.

Reaching the Community in Trinity, Florida

Reaching the Community in Trinity, Florida

“I think that we can create ways for the gospel to be obtainable for everyone.” Watch how our Every Nation church in Trinity, Florida, is reaching the special needs community in their city and making disciples.

How a Church in Cambodia Is Raising Up Leaders

How a Church in Cambodia Is Raising Up Leaders

“We believe that the only hope for the people of Cambodia is the gospel of Jesus Christ.” Watch how our Every Nation church in Phnom Penh is reaching locals with the gospel and empowering them to reach their nation.