Why the Campus?

Throughout history, movements have published manifestos to encapsulate and communicate their mission. Dr. Rice Broocks penned the Campus Manifesto, stating the reasons we must reach the campus. Here’s an updated version of Every Nation’s Campus Manifesto, which has the potential to change the world.

The future leaders of society are on our campuses.

Virtually all of the world’s presidents, prime ministers, senators, members of parliaments, bankers, lawyers, judges, teachers, doctors, and business leaders have passed through the college and university system. In every critical aspect of a nation’s culture, the campus is where we find the future influencers.

Major movements, bad or good, start on the campus.

From spiritual revival to political revolution, the campus gives birth to change. Marxism, atheism, feminism, and practically every other “ism” that has spread around the world at one time started as a tiny seed on the university campus.

The majority of those who become Christians do so as students.

Countless studies continue to confirm that most people surrender to Christ before their twenty-fifth birthday. This hits close to home. Many of our current leaders responded to the gospel before their twenty-fifth birthday.

International students impact their nations.

International students represent the top one percent of the students in their home nations. Many of these students come from nations that restrict or ban the gospel. By reaching them while they’re on our campuses and sending them home with the gospel, we can broaden the gospel’s reach in the world.

The values on campus become the values in society.

The philosophy, morality, and ethics taught by professors on university campuses slowly but surely work their way into public policy, media, and education. Those ideas and values become preserved for decades through legislation, education, music, movies, literature, and media.

The most available and trainable groups of people are on our campuses.

Since they have few obligations, students have few limitations to following Christ and serving him boldly. The campus is not only the source of the next generation of business, government, and educational leaders, but it’s also where we find the next generation of church leaders and cross-cultural missionaries.

When we reach a student, we reach a family.

Moms, dads, brothers, and sisters are often impacted by the stories from students who return home with a changed life. The New Testament pattern of church growth showed entire families turning to Christ. That hasn’t changed. One weekend home visit from a student transformed by the gospel can start a spiritual chain reaction that impacts every member of their family.

God promised to pour out his Spirit on sons and daughters. (Acts 2:17)

In other words, we should anticipate and hope for an enormous awakening in the younger generations of the world. We have to be prepared to handle this abundance by sending missionaries who are equipped and empowered to make disciples to colleges and high schools.

Students all over the world need hope. . . . We need to be willing and ready to respond and say, “Here I am Lord; send me.”

Courtney Ott

Campus Missionary, Harrisonburg, Virginia, USA

The harvest is ripe, [. . .] God is on the move. And so let’s be the hands and feet of Jesus to a broken world that’s waiting to hear the gospel.

Chris Goldswain

Church Leader, Every Nation Kirche Berlin

I believe that through our campus ministries we’re creating, not just a community where [students] can belong, but we’re equipping them to really find purpose in their life and just hope for the future.

Shinsuke Takagi

Campus Leader, Tokyo, Japan

Every Nation Campus (ENC) Logo Black

A vision to reach the whole world through the university campus.

Campus ministry is a dedication to take the gospel to college students, right where they are on campus. It’s a calling to serve, to impact, to go.

Campus missionaries around the world evangelize and disciple students, advancing God’s kingdom on the university campus.

Every Nation church members
Every Nation Campus students in Manila, Philippines
Every Nation members at the Build Conference
ENC students from Every Nation Kenya
ENC students meeting on campus

Stories from the Campus

Compassion and Discipleship in Cambridge, Massachusetts

Compassion and Discipleship in Cambridge, Massachusetts

“As we move forward to care for our communities, Christ will give us the grace to not only do it well but to love doing it.“ Watch how Aletheia Church Cambridge in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, is displaying Christ’s love to their community and beyond.

Reaching the Community in Trinity, Florida

Reaching the Community in Trinity, Florida

“I think that we can create ways for the gospel to be obtainable for everyone.” Watch how our Every Nation church in Trinity, Florida, is reaching the special needs community in their city and making disciples.

How a Church in Cambodia Is Raising Up Leaders

How a Church in Cambodia Is Raising Up Leaders

“We believe that the only hope for the people of Cambodia is the gospel of Jesus Christ.” Watch how our Every Nation church in Phnom Penh is reaching locals with the gospel and empowering them to reach their nation.